Open Your Own Studio - Globally

Small Business on a Global Scale

How to have a business relationship with Symbiosis Slimming / Vibra-Train Ltd

Note: Any business involvement will automatically include a listing on all relevant websites and ongoing support via phone or email on a permanent basis. We will also supply any material we have for adverts or on occasion write something specifically just for your business if requested.

Our company has had the same owners and upper management since its launch. We are stable and accountable in a world where "stable and accountable" are considered old fashioned ideals. If this sounds like you, then read on.

There are 3 basic levels to offering our services to your business.

Level 1
Straight lease of a Vibra-Train commercial product.

This situation is best suited to pre-existing businesses wanting to add commercial level Vibration Training to capture new customers. Maybe you are new to the field and your due diligence had led you to Vibra-Train, or you are already offering Vibration Training of some sort but are either tired of breakages or want to offer High Energy Units to satisfy increasing demand.

Vibra-Train has been running commercial locations since 2003, so we are experienced in all facets of the industry. At present we offer the biggest, most durable and powerful product in the market. We quite simply take this form of training more seriously than other "lighter " companies and we take the responsibility of where these products are placed just as seriously.

Price ( Please note : These really are very large and heavy full commercial machines designed for a large demographic and high foot traffic. From people with disabilities to athletes. And the price directly reflects this quality )
  • Approx. $180 NZD Per Week + Freight/Tax + $5000 NZD security bond

  • Minimum lease period of 2 years.

  • Multiple Lease machine prices can be negotiated.
Please note: Vibra-Train does not retail equipment to the public ever. We only lease or supply our own licenses with licensed product.

Level 2
Symbiosis Slimming Studio Powered By Vibra-Train
Purchase of a Symbiosis Slimming Ultra Sonic Cavitation / Lipo / RF machine
+ Lease of 1 Vibra-Train Commercial platform.

This is the ideal set-up for a small commercial premises or home business. With successful experience in both types of premises, our team can simplify the experience of setting up your own operation and give you valuable advice on this process. We take your small business seriously because we believe run properly they power entire communities.

One of our team will travel to your location, and help install both devices and train you up to the standards you need to operate. No prior experience is needed with either system, just a willingness to learn and follow laid out instructions and principles. This is science, but not rocket science.

Every process is laid out step by step. So if this is your first private enterprise, do not panic. We were once new to this too.

  • $18,500 NZD + Tax ( price includes freight ) = 1 Multi Function Symbiosis Slimming Cavitation / Lipo / RF machine.

  • $180 NZD Per Week + Freight/Tax + $5000 NZD security bond

  • Minimum lease period of 2 years.

Level 3

Important note : This is not a franchise. It is instead a system designed to allow a private enterprise to run under a well known brand, also have a level or protection , but keep the profits. And this agreement can be sold as part of the business in the future or willed to another generation.
  • Vibra-Train Licensed Studio and Exclusive Licensed Zone
    Zone = Approx 100,000 population density.

  • Symbiosis Slimming Exclusive Zone

  • 4 Vibra-Train commercial platforms ( future stock can be purchased at a price depending on production costs )

  • 1 Multi Function Symbiosis Slimming Cavitation / Lipo / RF machine.

Price $150, 000 NZD + GST (all inclusive)

This essentially stops anyone from dealing with our company within your negotiated zone. No level 1 or 2 locations can be set up in your territory unless you are setting them up to expand your business.

This license is active for as long as your business continues to operate carrying our name and following the safety principles our company is based on. It does not expire like a franchise and there is no ongoing fee. You will not be forced to "buy back in" at some stage to keep your business open.

Hands on support...

A team member travels to your location and helps set up and run both operations for 4 weeks from opening. ( No matter where in the world you are ). Our team member trains the operators and allows the studio to be fully operational from day one. This essentially allow your business to hit the ground running with none of the normal teething problems new business tend to have.

Why is this so different than standard franchise offers?

Quite simply we are driven by the idea of small business driving local economies and sometimes changing the world. But for that to happen people need to be invested in a business not just financially but emotionally. And that means ownership. Working towards something that is yours, or your families, and can not be simply taken away because your contract ran out, or head office decides you have worked hard enough so they can take over your now valuable area.

To our company the word partner-ship has a literal translation. Your motivation and success perpetuates our growth. If you wish to be a part of a partnership with Symbiosis Slimming or Vibra-Train then feel free to contact Lloyd Shaw at for clarification of any queries you may have.

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©2007 - VIBRA-TRAIN The Vibration Training Specialists